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Northeast Ohio
2025 Info
Coming soon!
Forest Ambience

wait, what is neurodiverse culture?

The shared experiences, values, and practices of neurodivergent people.
neu • ro di • verse cul • ture (noun)

we're so glad you asked!

Neurodiverse Culture Festival is a free event for all ages, designed by and for the neurodivergent community of northeast Ohio. (Non-disabled people are welcome, too!)
We'll celebrate neurodiverse culture with musical performances, educational presentations, animal encounters, and so much more!

Unwind and unmask with accessibility aids and sensory-friendly spaces for a variety of needs.

with us

un • mask (verb)
1 to be yourself 2 to feel safe and comfortable enough to exist in a way that feels natural and authentic 3 to interact and connect with other neurodivergent people in our own way

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